Year C 051213 - Mother's Day Thanksgiving Mass |
Thanksgiving Mass Mother's Day Homily |
Thanks to All Who Helped Make This Day Possible |
Thanksgiving Mass Final Remarks |
Year C 051913 - Pentecost Homily (Holy Spirit Empowers Our Lives) |
Pentecost |
Year C 061613 - 11th Sunday Ordinary Time (Sinful Woman and Pharisee) |
C_11th_Ordinary_Time |
Year C 072313 - 16th Sunday Ordinary Time (Martha & Mary - Discipleship) |
C_16th_Ordinary_Time |
Year C 082013 - 20th Sunday Ordinary Time (Our Mission as Church) |
C_20th_Ordinary_Time |
Year C 091513 - 24th Sunday Ordinary Time (Repentance) |
C_24th_Ordinary_Time |
Year C 102013 - 29th Sunday Ordinary Time (Faith and the Necessity of Prayer) |
C_29th_Ordinary_Time |
Year C 111713 - 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time (Persevering in Faith Until the End) |
C_33rd_Ordinary_Time |
Year A 121513 - 3rd Advent Sunday (Rejoice! Our Salvation is Near!) |
A_3rd_Advent_Gaudete_Sunday |
Year A 011914 - 2nd Ordinary Time (Baptism Commissions Us to Make Disciples of all Nations) |
A_2nd_Sunday_Ordinary_Time_Baptism_Empowerment_by_the_Holy_Spirit |
Year A 022314 - 7th Ordinary Time (Jesus - Sermon on the Mount - Who Is My Neighbor?) |
A_7th_Sunday_Ordinary_Time_Everyone_Is_My_Neighbor |
Year A 031614 - 2nd Lent - (Transformation of Jesus - A Peak Spiritual Experience for Us) |
A_2nd_Sunday_Lent_Transformation of Jesus is Our Transformation Too |
Year A LENT - Stations of the Cross - With reflections from Mary's Point of View |
Stations of the Cross - Mary Witnesses Her Son Crucified |
Year A 041914 - Easter Vigil - (Exsultet) |
A_Easter_Vigil_Exsultet |
Year A 041914 - Easter Vigil - (Two women - An Empty Tomb Changed Their Lives) |
A_Easter_Vigil_Two Women An Empty Tomb Changed Their Lives |
Year A 042714 - Divine Mercy Sunday - (Receiving God's Mercy - Giving God's Mercy) |
A_Mercy_Sunday_Receiving_God's_Mercy_Giving_God's Mercy |
Year A 051714 - 5th Sunday Easter - (The Roadmap that Leads to Our Heavenly Home) |
A_5th_Sunday_Easter_The_Roadmap_and_Landmarks_of_Faith |
Year A 061514 - Trinity Sunday - (Consider the Forest Instead of Trees) - June 15, 2014 |
A_Feast_of_the_Most_Holy_Trinity_Seeing_the_Forest_Instead_of_Trees |
Year A 072014 - 16th Sunday Ordinary Time - (Weeds or Wheat? Passing Our Final Exam) |
A_16th_Sunday_Ordinary_Time_Parable_of_the_Wheat_and_the_Weed |
Year A 081714 - 20th Sunday Ordinary Time - (Canaanite Woman - Lord Help ME!) |
A_20th_Sunday_Ordinary_Time_Canaanite_Woman_Begs_Jesus_for_Miracle |
Year A 092114 - 25th Sunday Ordinary Time - (Receiving Equal Pay in the Vineyard) |
A_25th_Sunday_Ordinary_Time_ Parable About Workers in the Vineyard |
Year A 100914 - Communion Breakfast Homily (Inviting the Holy Spirit into My Life) |
A_Communion_Breakfast_Inviting_the_Holy_Spirit_Into_My_Life |
Year A 111614 - 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time - (One / Two / Five Talents - Our Response) |
A_33rd_Sunday_Ordinary_Time_- Using Our Talents |
Year B 122114 - 4th Advent - What is Our Fiat - Our Yes to God's Will in Our Life? |
B_4th_Advent_Saying_Yes_to_God's_Will_in_Life |
Year B 011815 - 2nd Ordinary - Called to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ |
B_2nd_Ordinary_Called_to_be_a_Disciple_of_Jesus_Christ |
Year B 021515 - 6th Ordinary - Who is the Leper in Our Lives? |
B_6th_Ordinary_Who is the Leper In Our Lives? |
Year B 031515 - 4th Lent - For God So Loved the World |
B_4th_Lent_For_God_So_Loved_The_World |
Year B 040415 - EASTER Vigil - When the Impossible Becomes Possible |
B_EASTER_Vigil_When_the_Impossible_Becomes_Possible |
Year B 041915 - 3rd Sunday Easter - Resurrection Leads to Forgiveness of Sins |
B_3rd_Easter_Resurrection_Leads_Us_to_Forgiveness_of_Sins |
Year B 051715 - 7th Sunday Easter - Jesus Creates the Priesthood - One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic |
B_7th_Easter_Priesthood_One_Holy_Catholic_Apostolic |
Year B 062115 - 12th Sunday Ordinary - Maintaining Our Faith in the Midst of a Storm |
B 12th Ordinary Maintaining Our Faith in the Midst of a Storm |
Year B 071915 - 16th Sunday Ordinary - What do we hunger for in life? |
B 16th Ordinary What Do We Hunger for in Life? |
Year B 081615 - 20th Sunday Ordinary - Is the Eucharist a Symbol or Really Jesus? |
B 20th Ordinary Is the Eucharist a Symbol or Really Jesus? |
Year B 111515 - 33rd Sunday Ordinary - All Bad News - Is There Any Good News? |
B 33rd_Ordinary_Good_News_in_a_Bad_News_World |
Year C 122015 - 4th Sunday Advent - Our Yes to God |
C 4th_Advent_Our Yes to God |
Year C 011716 - 2nd Ordinary - Our Story as a Witness to Jesus |
C 2nd_Ordinary Our Story as a Witness to Jesus |
Year C 021016 - Ash Wednesday - Why is Lent important in our lives? |
C Ash_Wednesday_Why is Lent Important in Our Lives? |
Year C 022116 - 2nd Lent - The Transfiguration in My Life |
C 2nd_Lent_The_Transfiguration_in_My_life |
Year C 032716 - EASTER - Be Not Afraid - God Has a Plan |
C EASTER_Be_Not_Afraid_God_Has_a_Plan |
Year C 041716 - 4th Easter - Jesus, Our Good Shepherd - A love Story |
C 4th_Easter_Jesus_Our_Good_Shepherd_A_Love_Story |
Year C 051516 - PENTECOST - Receiving and Using Our Gifts |
C PENTECOST_Receiving_and_Using_Our_Gifts |
Year C 061916 - 12th Ordinary - Who do WE Say Jesus Is? |
C 12th_Ordinary_Who_Do_We_Say_Jesus_Is? |
Year C 071716 - 16th Ordinary - Changing Our Filters to Understand the Value of Discipleship |
C 16th_Ordinary_Rearranging_Life_Expectations to Embrace Discipleship |
Year C 082116 - 21st Ordinary - What is Required to Obtain Salvation? |
C 21st_Ordinary_What_Is_Required_To_Obtain_Salvalation? |
Year C 112016 - 34 FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING - My Heart Christ's Home |
C 34th_FEAST_OF_CHRIST_THE_KING_My_Heart_Christ's_Home |
Year A 121816 - 4th Advent - Persevering in Faith During the Storms of Life |
A_4th_Advent_Perseverance_in_Faith_During_the_Storms_of_Life |
Year A 021917 - 7th Ordinary - Who is My Neighbor? |
A_7th_Ordinary_Who_is_My_Neighbor? |
Year A 030117 - Ash Wednesday - Getting My Spiritual Tuneup for Lent |
A_Ash_Wednesday_Getting_My_Spiritual_Tuneup_for_Lent |
Year A 031917 - 3rd Lent - A God Moment in our Lives |
A_3rd_Lent_A_God_Moment_in_Our_Lives |
Year A 041617 - EASTER - What Are We Searching for This Easter? |
A_EASTER_What_Are_We_Searching_for_This_Easter? |
Year A 052117 - 6th Easter - Jesus Gave Us An Estate Plan |
A_6th_Easter_Jesus_Gave_Us_An_Estate_Plan |
Year A 061817 - Feast of Corpus Christi - Jesus Present in the Holy Eucharist |
Year A 071617 - 15th Ordinary - Parable of Sower, Seed, Four Soils |
A_15th_Ordinary_Parable_Of_Sower_Seed_And_Four_Soils |
Year A 082017 - 20th Ordinary - Extraordinary Faith - Healing |
A_20th_Ordinary_Canannite_Woman_Begs_Jesus_to_Heal_Her_Daughter |
Year A 092417 - 24th Ordinary - Finding Jesus on Death Row |
A_24th_Ordinary_Finding_Jesus_on_Death_Row |
Year A 101517 - FEAST OF SAINT LUKE - Parish 35th Anniversary |
Year B 121717 - 3rd Advent Gaudete Sunday - Living a Joyful Life |
B_3rd_Advent_Gaudete_Sunday_Living_a_Joyful_Life |
Year B 012118 - 3rd Ordinary - Repentance |
B_3rd_Ordinary_Repentance |
Year B 021418 - Ash Wednesday - Our Lenten GPS |
B_Ash Wednesday - Our Lenten GPS |
Year B 022118 - 1st Lent - Journey with the Holy Spirit |
B_1st_Lent_Journey_with_the_Holy_Spirit |
Year B 031818 - 5th Lent - Social Justice and Issue of Violence |
B_5th_Lent_Sir_We_Want_To_See_Jesus |
Year B 032918 - HOLY THURSDAY - Three Realities |
B_HOLY_THURSDAY_Three_Realities |
Year B 033118 - EASTER VIGIL - Unconditional Love |
B_EASTER_VIGIL_Unconditional_Love |
Year B 052018 - PENTECOST- Holy Spirit, How Shall We Respond? |
B_PENTECOST_How_Shall_We_Respond? |
Year B 061718 - 11th Ordinary Planting Seeds of Faith |
B_11th_Ordinary_Planting_Seeds_of_Faith |
Year B 071518 - 15th_Ordinary_What_Shall_We_Follow_In_Life
B_15th_Ordinary_What_Shall_We_Follow_In_Life |
Year B 081918 - 20th_Ordinary_Jesus_Is_the_Living_Bread
B_20th_Ordinary_Jesus_Is_the_Living_Bread_Come_Down_from_Heaven |
Year B 091618 - 24th_Ordinary_Who_Do_You_Say_Jesus_Is?
B_24th_Ordinary_Who_Do_You_Say_Jesus_Is? |
Year B 102118 -29thOrdinary_Choosing_God's_Plan_for_Our_Lives
B_29th_Ordinary_Choosing_God's Path_for_Our_Lives |
Year B 111818 - 33rd_Ordinary_Are_We_Ready_for_Eternity?
B_33rd_Ordinary_Are_We_Ready_for_Eternity? |
Year C 121618 - 3rd_Advent_Messiah_Will_Set_the_Captive_Free
C_3rd_Advent_Messiah_Will_Set_the_Captive_Free |
Year C 021719 - 6th_Ordinary_Giving_It_All_to_Jesus
C_6th_Ordinary_Giving_It_All_to_Jesus |
Year C 030619 - Ash_Wednesday_Turn_from_Sin_to_the_Gospel
C_Ash_Wednesday_Turn_From_Sin_Be_Faithful_to_the_Gospel |
Year C 031719 - 2nd_Lent_Prayer_Transforms_Our_Lives
C_2nd_Lent_Prayer_Transforms_Our_Lives |
Year C 041819 - Holy Thursday - Three Realities |
C_Holy_Thursday_Three_Realities |
Year C 042019 - Easter - A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words |
C_EASTER_A_Picture_Is_Worth_A_Thousand_Words |
Year C 051919 - 5th_Easter_Love_One_Another |
C_5th_Easter_Love_One_Another |
Year C 061619 - Trinity_Sunday_Holy_Spirit_in_Us |
C_Trinity_Sunday_Holy_Spirit_in_Us |
Year C 072119 - 16th_Ordinary_Giving_Jesus_First_Place_In_Life |
C_16th_Ordinary_Giving_Jesus_First_Place_In_Our_Lives |
Year C 081819 - 20th_Ordinary_Jesus_Came_to_Set_the_World_on_Fire
C_20th_Ordinary_Jesus_Came_to_Set_the_World_on_Fire |
Year C 091519 - 24th_Ordinary_Rejoice_the_Lost_is_Found
C_24th_Ordinary_Rejoice_the_Lost_is_Found |
Year C 111719 - 33rd_Ordinary_Persevering_Faith_in_Jesus
C_33rd_Ordinary_Persevering_Faith_in_Jesus |
Year A 121519 - 3rd_Advent_Rejoice_in_Jesus |
A_3rd_Advent_Rejoice_in_Jesus |
Year A 011920 - 2nd_Ordinary_Behold_the_Lamb_of_God |
A_2nd_Ordinary_Behold_the_Lamb_of_God |
Year A 021620 - 6th_Ordinary_Choose_God's_Plan_for_Our_Lives |
A_6th_Ordinary_Choose_God's_Plan_for_Our_Lives |
Year A 022620 - ASH WEDNESDAY A Spiritual Tuneup |
A_ASH_WEDNESDAY_A_Spiritual_Tuneup |
Year A 031520 - 3rd_Lent_God_Moments_in_Our_Lives |
A_3rd_Lent_God_Moments_in_Our_Lives |
Year A 040920 - HOLY_THURSDAY_Three_Important_Realities |
A_HOLY_THURSDAY_Three_Important_Realities |
Year A 041020 -GOOD_FRIDAY_Coronavirus_We_Need_a_Vaccine |
A_GOOD_FRIDAY_Coronavirus_We_All_Need_This_Vaccine |
Year A 041120 - EASTER_VIGIL_What_Are_We_Searching_For? |
A_EASTER_VIGIL_What_Are_We_Searching_For |
Year A 041920 - DIVINE_MERCY_Forgive_Without_Revenge |
A_DIVINE_MERCY_Forgive_Without_Revenge |
Year B 101021 - 28th_Ordinary_What_is_our_Greatest_Treasure? |
B_28th_Ordinary_What_Is_Our_Greatest_Treasure |
Year B 111421 - 33rd_Ordinary_are_we_ready_for_eternity? |
B_33rd_Ordinary_Are_We_Ready_for_Eternity? |
Year C 121221 -3rd_Advent_A_Soul_Finds_Her_Way_Back_to_God |
C_3rd_Advent_A_Soul_Finds_Her_Way_Back_to_God |
Year C 011622 - 2nd_Ordinary_A_Timeless_Wedding_Story_Treas... |
C_2nd_Ordinary_A_Timeless_Wedding_Story_We_Can_All_Treasure |
Year C 030222 - ASH_WEDNESDAY A Time to Return to Basics |
C_ASH_WEDNESDAY_A_Time_to_Return_to_Basics |
Year C 030622 - 1st Lent - Resisting Satan's Temptations in Our Life |
C_1st_Lent_Resisting_Satan's_Temptations_in_Our_Lives |
Year C 041422 - HOLY THURSDAY - Triduum - Liturgical High Point |
C_HOLY_THURSDAY_Triduum_Liturgical_High_Point_for_the_Church |
Year C 050822 - 4th Easter - Do We Listen and Follow Jesus? |
C_4th_Easter_Do_We_Listen_and_Follow_Jesus_as_Good_Shepherd |
Year C 061222 TRINITY_Understanding_Father, Son, Holy Spirit |
C_Holy_Trinity_Understand_Father_Son_and_Holy_Spirit |
Year C 070322 14th Ordinary Helping Each Other Build the Kingdom |
C_14th_Ordinary_Helping_Each_Other_Build_the_Kingdom_of_God |
Year C 082122 21st Ordinary What Exactly is the Narrow Gate? |
C_21st_Ordinary_What_Exactly_is_the_Narrow_Gate |
Year C 091822 25th Ordinary Are We a Fair and Honest Steward? |
C_25th_Ordinary_Are_We_a_Fair_and_Honest_Steward |
Year C 111822 34th Feast Christ the King - New Year Resolution |
C_34th_Feast_Christ_the_King_What_is_My_New_Year_Resolution? |
Year A 121822 4th Advent - Existential Crisis or Persevering Faith |
A_4th_Advent_Do_We_Respond_to_Existential_Crisis_with_Persevering_Faith? |
Year A 011523 2nd Ordinary - A Story of One Who Survived |
A_2nd_Ordinary_A_Story_of_One_Who_Survived_Abortion |
Year A 022623 1st Lent - Playing by the Rules |
A_1st_Lent_Playing_by_the_Rules |
Year A 031923 4th Lent - Allowing Jesus to Change Our Lives |
A_4th_Lent_Allowing_Jesus_to_Change_Our_Lives |
Year A 040823 Easter - What Are We Searching for in Life? |
A_EASTER_What_Are_We_Searching_for_in_life? |
Year A 041623 2nd Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday |
A_2nd_EASTER_Divine_Mercy_Sunday |
Year A 061823 11th Ordinary - Do Miracles Still Happen? |
A_11th_Ordinary_Do_Miracles_Still_Happen? |
Year A 070923 14th Ordinary -Journey From the Head to the Heart |
A_14th_Ordinary_Journey_from_the_Head_to_the_Heart |
Year A 082023 20th Ordinary - A Story of Faith, Hope and Healing |
A_20th_Ordinary_A_Story_of_Faith_Hope_and_Healing |
Year A 091723 24th Ordinary - Forgiveness - Decision of the Heart |
A_24th_Ordinary_Forgiveness_A_Decision_of_the_Heart |
Year A 091723 Healed by the Eucharist and Precious Blood |
Healed_by_the_Eucharist_and_Precious_Blood |
Year A 101523 28th Ordinary - Invitation to King's Wedding Feast |
A_28th_Ordinary_Invitation_to_the_King's_Wedding_Feast |
Year A 111923 33rd Ordinary - TIME - A Priceless Treasure to Show God's Love in the World |
A_33rd_Ordinary_TIME_a_Priceless_Treasure_to_Show_God's_Love |
Year B 121723 Advent - REJOICE - in God is the Joy of My Soul |
B_3rd_Advent_Rejoice_in_God_is_the_Joy_of_My_Soul |
Year B 012124 3rd Ordinary- Prophetic Voice Calls for Conversion |
B_3rd_Ordinary_A_Prophetic_Voice_Calls_Us_to_Conversion |
Year B 021824 1st Lent - Taking Time for a Spiritual Tuneup |
B_1st_Lent_Taking_Time_for_a_Spiritual_Tuneup |
Year B 031724 5th Lent - Sir, We Want to See Jesus |
B_5th_Lent_Sir_We_Want_to_See_Jesus |
Year B 032924 Good Friday - The Only Cure for Sin |
B_Good Friday - The Only Cure for Sin |
Year B 042124 4th Easter - Are We Willing to Be a Good Shepherd |
B_4th_Easter - Are We Willing to Be a Good Shepherd to Others? |
Year B 051924 Pentecost - Celebrating God's Love - Holy Spirit |
B_Pentecost - Celebrating God's Love - The Holy Spirit |
Year B 060924 Making a Rush to Judgment |
B_10th_Ordinary - Making a Rush to Judgment |
Year B 072124 What Do We Hunger for Most in Life? |
B_16th_Ordinary - What Do We Hunger for Most in Life? |
Year B 081824 Scientific Evidence that Holy Eucharist is Jesus |
B_20th_Ordinary - Scientific Evidence that Holy Eucharist is Jesus |
Year B 091524 Who Do You Say that Jesus Is? |
B_24th_Ordinary - Who Do You Say That I Am? |
Year B 101324 What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? |
B_28th_Ordinary - What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? |
Year B 111724 Be Watchful, Be Alert, We Know Not the Day |
B_33rd_Ordinary - Be Watchful, Be Alert, We Know Not the Day or the Hour |
Year C 022325 Overcoming Hate, Division, Prejudice |
C_7th_Ordinary - Overcoming Hate, Division, Prejudice |